Eco Wood Design

While I’ve been designing and making furniture for more than a decade, my life as a woodworker began in earnest in 2010 when my partner and I were living in Denmark. I established Eco wood design in Copenhagen, specialising in custom-designed and built furniture.
Aesthetically, my designs are driven by my interest in creating objects that are both functional and elegant. I love the simplicity and clean lines of the Arts and Crafts movement, the elegance of mid 20th Century Danish furniture, and the balance and restraint of Japanese artistry.

I love to make unusual, interesting or quirky pieces but I like making pretty much anything. Some pieces might be quite straightforward and uncomplicated, while others might take weeks of thinking, experimenting and designing to resolve a difficult design or construction problem. I use recycled Australian timber when I can, as well as other sources such as plywood (which minimises waste) and sustainability sourced timbers. In making the pieces I design, I use a combination of traditional methods such as dovetails, as well as more modern techniques, like loose tenon joinery.

My reason for making furniture is the satisfaction from designing an original piece and then bringing it into being. I think of my work more as an artistic endeavour rather than simply manufacturing. That’s why I don’t make copies of other work.
I like to work with clients collaboratively, first discussing style, size, materials and broad ideas. We might sketch some rough concepts, and once you’ve agreed on an outline, we then work through the design details until you are happy.


