Government Grants

    Is your business having cashflow issues?
    Six (6) Australian Government grants to definitely consider

    Governments in Australia at all levels have numerous grants for SMEs (Small to Medium Enterprises) to either help you get started in a new business venture or to help you maintain and grow your existing businesses.
    As the failure rate of most start-up businesses within the first two (2) years is over 80%, Governments have recognised that they need to provide extra external financial assistance to ensure that businesses not only survive the critical start-up phase but also thrive and prosper well beyond that.
    There are over 1500 government grants worth over $40 billion dollars at Federal, State and Local government levels. Some of these grants include:

    1. Manufacturing grants – to help you with making goods in Australia
    2. Innovation grants –to help research, fund and take a business idea to realisation
    3. Export Market Development Grants – to help market your products and services in International markets
    4. Coaching and mentoring grants – to help you bring more external expertise, skills and discipline to your business
    5. Start-up Grants – to help finance brand new businesses
    6. $3000 grants for small businesses – recovery grants to help SMEs get started again after Covid-19

    At Choose Australian our consultants are skilled in helping you with all aspects of your business including:
    • Determine what grants your business will be eligible for
    • Applying for a grant on your behalf
    • Writing a business plan
    • Do cash flow projections
    • Running business feasibility studies and projections on new ventures, capital equipment acquisitions etc.