Established in 2013, Hayes Honey is a small family business from Adelaide, South Australia, producing pure, raw, award-winning honey, honeycomb, natural beeswax balms and beeswax candles.
Our hives are located across Adelaide’s north and north eastern suburbs. The bees collect from a range of flowering flora including gum trees, natives and the diverse flowers in backyards around the suburbs. This variety results in a light, sweet, fruity flavour.
Hayes Honey is proud to do our small part in protecting local bee populations and educate and raise awareness in the wider community. Joel’s passion for passing on his knowledge and educating people quickly became just as important as caring for the bees themselves. Despite our business name, we didn’t get into beekeeping for the honey. Honey is a lovely bi-product of our activities and the Hayes family love sharing it, and the plight of urban bees, with the local community.

Hayes Honey