Indigo Woodworks

Andy Hooke is the man behind Indigo Woodworks. With a passion for timber, he brings to each project a sharp attention to detail and a love for combining the best of modern woodworking techniques with hand tools and traditional methods.
Andy (Hookey) started life on a farm near Bendigo. With a passion for the natural environment, the mountains and rivers, and educating young people, Hookey worked as an outdoor educator for 15 years.

He has always enjoyed working with timber, and learning traditional bush building techniques has been a hobby for over a decade. When the time came for a change in career, the move to working with wood was a natural one. He started Indigo Woodworks while completing his apprenticeship, and now works with people to design and make the products they want out of local and recycled timber.

He has settled in North East Victoria with his partner Tess and their baby Bonnie. From his Indigo Valley home, he enjoys living simply and in community with his area, growing his own food and trying to reduce his impact on the earth. But more than anything, he loves his new role of being a Dad and has started Indigo Woodworks from his off-grid, home-based workshop to allow him to spend more time with family and friends.

With his background in education, he also loves to teach. In the second half of 2022 he will begin to offer courses so that he can pass on the knowledge and skills he has to others.


