We got our start in September 2019 with a social mission to bring native ingredients into as many tummies as we could!
Australia’s native plants have fed humans for thousands of years. They provide a rich bounty where alien grains and orchards die. Their nutritional content has been shown to be far superior to modern foods, and offer an exceptional culinary experience.
I decided to form partnerships instead. That’s where we found a vast network of Aboriginal Enterprises, Wild Harvesters, and Small Farmers who had the same passion and love for native ingredients I had.
They have the respect, kindness to Country and drive for an ethical industry, so we started to work together.
Understanding the importance of Indigenous Ecological Knowledge, we knew we didn’t want a business that’s sole focus was on profits.
We wanted an enterprise that gave back social benefits to the producers we worked with – and that’s where the idea for Melbourne Bushfood came from.

Melbourne Bushfood