OM Made Organic Skincare

OmMade Organic Skincare was launched in Adelaide SA in 2013 in response to the ongoing ‘green washing’ of the beauty industry after searching far and wide for the cure to my own skin issues. I suffered severe acne between my mid-twenties to my mid-thirties. I literally tried every acne cream and skin care product you could find. Unfortunately, even those of us with the best intentions for finding natural alternatives can be led astray by confusing marketing techniques and green washing. This is what inspires us to ensure all of our products remain 100% natural. The OmMade Organic Skincare range is perfect for those with sensitive or problematic skin.

Whether you suffer from sensitivity, you’re afflicted with acne or plagued by persistent dryness, you probably feel like you’ve tried and tested what seems like every skin care product on the market in an effort to achieve gorgeous glowing skin. This is where OmMade Organic Skincare comes in. We truly believe that ‘if you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin’.
You can soothe your skin and you soul when you shop with OmMade Organic Skincare. Our packaging is eco-friendly and many products are refillable in store in Adelaide. We are proudly certified Palm Oil Free with POFCAP.

This combined with small batch manufacturing helps us to make a difference environmentally through both awareness and the OmMade product range. We source ingredients locally where possible not only to reduce miles but to support the community that supports us.
No water in the creams and pastes means that the product has a long shelf life without the need for preservatives. It also means that a little goes a long way, making OmMade Organic Skin care excellent value for money.


