Tag: Blue Gum honey

  • Buzz Honey

    Buzz Honey

    Buzz Honey is a family owned business located in the pristine Adelaide Hills. We produce hand selected and harvested honeys from a variety of locations across South Australia.From almonds to orange blossoms, summer meadows to native bushland as the brilliant colours of the Mallee and eucalyptus burst forth, our little bees get to savour the…

  • Miellerie Honey

    Miellerie Honey

    Miellerie Honey is a subtle marriage of Tasmanian native flowers, French tradition and biodynamic practices. It has been a family business, owned and operated by Yves Ginat, apiarist/beekeeper since he was a 14yr old boy, growing up in France. ‘Miellerie’ is French for ‘Honey House’, pronounced ‘meer-leh-ree’. We specialise in producing organic, unheated native flower…

  • Heritage Honey

    Heritage Honey

    Peter Norris has been involved in beekeeping for 35 years. Whilst living in London he took up beekeeping as a hobby and attended Merrist Wood Agricultural College to gain enough knowledge to keep his bees properly.Two years later his hobby had grown to 150 hives, but when varroa struck in the UK in 1992, 80%…