Two Boys Brew

We’ve been brewing what we believe is Australia’s best booch since the summer of 2018. Stumbling in the general direction of trying to be better, healthier and happier humans, we figured bringing a bit more goodness to this sometimes unkind world was something we should at least aspire to. For us, that goodness turned out to be a business sharing naturally feel-good flavour by the bottle load.

As pals since primary school we’ve taken different paths over the years, but our love for good music and walking on the wilder side have always brought us back together. When our paths crossed again in Melbourne, a career spent in the hospo world and a journey into health-led home brewing saw the birth of Two Boys Brew. As the opposite of old hands, we were stoked to land a booch which was pretty damn good for you but didn’t taste like it’d come straight out of the shed. Then, when people who know about this sort of thing started telling us our brew was unreal (in the right way), we realised it wasn’t just a gut feeling, we were onto something.

Now, most of our customers think that’s a dream come true, but we think we can make it even better. With every brew and every batch, we keep exploring new flavours, not with the usual fruits, but with sophisticated and aromatic botanicals. So it tastes good, feels good and offers you a choice. A new drink to choose when you don’t want a soft drink and you don’t want to booze.

That’s why our kombucha is naturally brewed and fermented, so it stays full of life and good for your health. That’s why you’ll find it in the fridge, and not on the shelf. With living cultures and good bacteria, antioxidants and vitamins. Plus just a little natural sugar, because with no sugar there is no life. It’s good for your body and good for your soul. So, if you are what you drink, we hope the goodness in our booch will enhance the goodness in you.

So we make you this promise; as long as we make it we’ll keep making it sustainable. Not just good for you, but good for the planet. We’ll keep making it better and we’ll keep making it right. So you won’t find a better kombucha, but we just might.
