Diemen Pepper

Diemen Pepper has its home in the D’Entrecasteaux Channel region, south of Hobart in the cool, temperate island state of Tasmania.
It is one of the diverse horticultural enterprises found on Five Bob Farm which also hosts Art Farm Birchs Bay with a sculpture walk and community art events and a large community garden, supplying vegetables to staff and volunteers throughout the year.
Diemen Pepper specialises in the production of Tasmanian native pepper and also supplies many of the dried herb and spice ingredients produced from Australia’s natural flora – wattleseed, saltbush, lemon and anise myrtle and many others.
Diemen Pepper also propagates selected clones for use in both orchard production and landscaping, and we produce many thousands of plants for local sale each year.
Diemen Pepper supply commercial quantities of high quality Tasmanian pepperleaf and pepperberry products for the Australian native food, dietary supplement and flavour extract industries.


