Our passion is to bring you the purest, raw honey from our Apiaries. Banno’s Bees & Honey honey can be picked up from 3 Cassia Street, Beerwah, Qld, 4519. Alternatively, Banno’s Bees & Honey can be posted in any amount at rates from $14.95 within Australia. Banno’s Bees & Honey Raw Honey costs $11.00 for a 500 gram jar.
After many years of saying we need more bees for pollination the talk of this new fangled Flowhive got me thinking, well its time to step up and become a beekeeper. Once the decision was made then the Journey began.
First things first was Youtube. There are so many people out there doing Youtube Beekeeping videos that the picture becomes clearer every day. There are a lot of different ways to be a BEEK. BEEK is the short name for Beekeeper. If you ask 10 Beekeepers the same question you can get 12 different answers.
I am a proud member of several clubs as I like to diversify my outlook to the whole picture and not just keep a narrow view on the game.

Banno’s Bees & Honey