
I’m a mud monkey and eternal doodler, living in a mountain top village in Queensland, Australia. I’m also a daydreamer with a passion for increasing world joyfulness in my own little creatively handmade way.
I make work that evokes happiness. I create smiles from blocks of clay. I wedge, wheel throw, build, paint, carve and glaze by hand. When my work doesn’t involve mud, I create illustrations and screen prints. Themes currently include; patterns and blissful, dancing, onesie wearing creatures with a buoyant sense of humour. I guess I’m interested in happy vessels. Ceramic vessels. Human vessels.
I use a stoneware/porcelain blend which is extremely durable and vitrified (non porous). With care, these pieces could last several life times. The carbon foot print of all of these items is vanishingly small. All items are inert and not toxic to the environment.

Nestled in the clouds on the Sunshine Coast Hinterland, my little studio opens to the public only a few times a year. For more info keep an eye on my blog page or join up to my mailing list. My work can be found in an artist co-op in the main street of Maleny where I man/woman the shop a couple of days each month. Find me at:
Peace of Green Gallery
38 Maple Street
Maleny, Queensland
+617 5499 9311
Monday – Sunday 9:30 – 4pm