Burnside Organic Farm

Burnside Organic Farm is a Luxury Farm Stay and Winery created by owners Jamie & Lara McCall.
Guests staying in the accommodation can enjoy genuine self-guided agritourism, organic wine, animal and nature experiences. All other visitors are welcome for wine tastings and sales by pre-arranged appointments only.
Jamie & Lara both work full time on the property and together with their sons host all the above experiences.

Jamie and Lara McCall have been farming organically for twenty four years. They have three young adult sons. They offer a genuine agritourism experience. A love of the Margaret River Region and ongoing lived experience in viticulture, wine making, organic farming and surfing equips them both to inspire you and help make long lasting memories of your Margaret River visit.

Jamie’s background includes sailing, pearl diving, furniture making, building and working at The West Australian as a journalist. From a young boy he always kept chickens and wanted to be a farmer. Jamie also enjoys teaching Permaculture at nearby Fair Harvest. Lara previously worked as an economist and stockbroker. She has a Polish heritage and it was her grandmother and mother that gave her the skills and love of growing food and cooking. She inherited a passion for the ocean from her surfing father. Jamie and Lara love to surf, swim, walk and spend time outdoors. Wine, cooking, self-sufficiency, animal husbandry and nutrition are also interests.


From the very beginning when planting the first vineyard Jamie and Lara decided to start the organic certification process, as their young sons played in the dirt. They have found it challenging at times but not difficult, just a different way of doing things. Patience, observation, working with nature and using animals in the systems are the key to their success.


Burnside Organic Farm’s vision for the future lies in inspiring others to produce their own food, sharing their ideas about resilience for future sustainable living, and helping and encouraging others to create their own story. Building strong communities that are prepared for economic, social and environmental change.