John’s journey into whisky started by chance after he purchased Dysart House in Kempton, Tasmania. Dysart House came to be leased to Redlands Distillery, now Old Kempton Distillery, and through this process John met Bill Lark, the Godfather of Tasmanian Whisky.
John and Bill Lark become fast friends and Bill ignited in John a fervent passion for whisky.
Callington Mill Distillery is a true family owned business, perfect symmetry between the Nicolas Family and the Ibrahim family. Salim & Danny Nicolas are twin brothers that started Dasco contruction & building. Recipients of the Order of Australia (OAM) both brothers are passionate whisky lovers.
Our founder John Ibrahim has created a Tasmanian Distillery on a scale not previously seen. The latest Tasmanian Technology has been utilised to bring about a new era in Tasmanian Whisky.

Callington Mill Distillery