Kimbolton Vineyards

Langhorne Creek is one of Australia’s oldest wine regions and is the traditional home of the Ngarrindjeri of the lower Murray River, western Fleurieu Peninsula, and the Coorong. The original vineyard (known as Kimbolton) on the alluvial Langhorne Creek floodplain was five hectares when purchased by Frank Potts II in 1911.
The Kimbolton Vineyards in Langhorne Creek have grown to 19.7 hectares, comprising of 6.7 hectares of Cabernet Sauvignon, 9 hectares of Shiraz and 4 hectares of Montepulciano.

Currently, the oldest vines planted on the Kimbolton Vineyards were replanted in 1966, which is the House Block Shiraz.
The Montrose property in Langhorne Creek was acquired in 2001 and was orignally only 14.8 hectares of Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz. The vineyard has grown and undergone numerous plantings to now include alternative varieties, Carignan and Fiano.
The Case family are descendants of Frank Potts, the region’s founder. Today, the 56.9 hectares of Kimbolton Langhorne Creek Vineyards is run by Len and Judy’s children Nicole and Brad, 5th generation vignerons.