
Koskela was founded by partners Russel Koskela and Sasha Titchkosky in 2000, who left behind lucrative careers in the corporate world in a bid to create a furniture and design company with a courageous mindset and strong social conscience. They sought to bring their vision to life with Australian manufacturing. The ongoing success of Koskela can be attributed to the integrity of the founders who remain true to their original vision and values.

Koskela is committed to tread as lightly as possible on the natural world. We consider our impact on the planet in the way our products are designed, made and what goes into them, as well as in the way we do business.
We’re proud to be Australia’s very first furniture B Corp, to have all our furniture manufactured in Australia, and be one of the country’s leading sustainability practitioners in the furniture and design industry.
To truly lead the way in an industry that has often been detrimental to the natural world, we have now pledged to become a fully circular business by 2027. That means nothing we make will be wasted. Everything will be repairable, reusable or – as a last resort – recyclable.
Our switch to a circular model is a key pillar in enabling us to achieve our goal of Absolute Zero emissions (without offsets) by 2035.

Koskela is deeply committed to reconciling with our First Nations history and cultures.
One of the ways we do this is to create income earning opportunities for First Nations artists and makers through collaborative design projects. This generates an income independent of Government, helping artists to continue to live a life they have chosen to lead and maintain their traditional practices. It also facilitates artists to access markets outside the traditional art markets, enabling them to tell their stories and showcase their cultures to a broader audience.
To date we have collaborated with 72 First Nations artist and art centre partners, generating over $1.605 million in income.