We are located in Smithton, Tasmania, In the very heart of the dairy region of the state. We lease and operate a state of the art 75 cow robotic dairy. The farm consists of some 29 hectares right on the edge of town where we milk a herd of mixed breed cows. The operation focuses on two main calving seasons during Spring and Autumn, guaranteeing continuous milk flow and composition throughout the year.
We thrive to employ the best farming practices, treating our girls with respect and consideration, feeding them the best quality feed possible, being fresh grass the main source of feed. Visitors have the opportunity to come and experience the full cycle of our operation from a designated ample viewing area. You will be able to closely see how the cows get automatically and voluntarily milked, play with the scratching brushes and if you are patient and lucky, they may come to you for a head scratch.
From the same viewing area, visitors can turn around and see how that fresh milk is turned into different varieties of cheese from fresh to aged and soft to semi hard. People can also see the cheeses in the maturing rooms and witness the different stages of maturation and characteristics of them.
For more information on the farm tours and bookings, please visit www.duckrivermeadowsdairy.com.au

La Cantara Cheese