Teralba Park Honey

Whilst living on a small suburban block in the northern suburbs of Brisbane, I purchased my first beehive from Facebook marketplace. I was new to beekeeping but excitedly welcomed our my first hive which has grown into a hobby that brings joy and passion everyday.
I started with a singular flow style hive however found love in the traditional ways of keeping bees, considering that inspecting the brood box is critical to hive health and pest management I decided – or rather the bees guided me to revert away from flow frames and my apiaries are now home to a multitude of traditional hive boxes and frames. As a qualified beekeeper I love to share my knowledge with aspiring beeks, embarking on this exciting journey!
If you are interested in opening a hive and watching the buzz of activity as the colony works your welcome to send an enquiry. My aim is to help you, no matter what stage of the journey your on, whether your about to purchase a hive and want to build your knowledge base, need an educational incursion at your kindergarten or community group or need a second opinion on your current colony, I’m here to help, inspire and share.


