We moved to Bowral in the Southern Highlands in 2011 from Sydney to raise our two young children, with a desire to be self-sufficient and live sustainability. We started keeping bees that first year to pollinate our vegetable garden and orchard. We then got our first taste of honey the following Summer – we thought it was delicious!
After a couple of wins at local shows, we decided to enter our honey at Sydney Royal in 2015 and discovered the judges also thought our honey was delicious, winning across two liquid honey categories of Dark and Amber. We consecutively won or placed at Sydney Royal for a few years, 2016, 2017 & 2018. Steadily growing our hive numbers across the Highlands. We were producing so much honey we became regular stall holders at local markets around the Highlands for six years – that was fun, but covid and the elements put an end to the markets and we opened a retail store in Bowral. That’s when the alchemy began. We realised combining big flavours with good branding gives us a buzz (we love bee puns). We decided to share the love with other regions and we now deliver to galleries, cafés and gourmet stores along the east coast.
Our products are all made by The Honey Thief in Bowral using local and organic ingredients which are kinder to us and the bees!

The Honey Thief