Loco Love

When Loco Love began, my belief in the transformative power of food was strong. Magic? I wanted to believe—somewhere deep down, I did. But it wasn’t until I immersed myself in the world of cacao, savouring its every nuance, that I truly understood. This wasn’t just about making chocolate; it was about awakening to a new way of seeing life itself.
Cacao holds an ancient secret: it’s believed to heal the world by opening our hearts, revealing our interconnectedness. It teaches us empathy, as we’re reminded that if one of us suffers, we all do. Cacao nurtures compassion, awareness, and a connection to love both within us and all around us.
May every Loco Love chocolate you enjoy bring you closer to the beauty and love that resides in us all. Heal your heart, and you heal the world. That’s the magic of cacao. That’s the soul of Loco Love.

We source ingredients with care not greed, honouring our interconnectedness with farmers, animals, and the earth itself.
Purity is our promise—we select only sustainably sourced cacao and genuine wholefood ingredients. These intentional choices imbue our chocolate with the energy of love and compassion.
Our chocolate is created in Byron Bay, Australia and therefore – every bar is handcrafted in small batches in our renewable energy-powered factory, reducing our carbon footprint.
In our current facility, we have elected to buy renewable energy from solar sources. In our new factory we will invest in solar panels to be more self-sufficient and invest in a greener future.


