Lauds Plant Based Foods

Tasmanian. Dairy Free. 100% Plant-Based. Lactose Free.
Through the production of delicious plant based foods we aim to make a lasting difference to our world – helping you to ‘feed your kindness’ and live a healthier, more compassionate and sustainable life. When we were kids, we enjoyed food in the uncomplicated, unexamined way kids do. We satisfied our appetites with little thought to what it was we were eating. I, personally, had a deep love of animals, and like everyone else, I ate them too.

My insatiable love of meat got snuffed out when I ‘truly’ connected with a pig at an animal protest rally in Hobart, Tasmania in my mid 20s (thank you Emma Haswell, of Brightside Farm Sanctuary). Of course I’d been around pigs before, but perhaps because of the context, and my growing awareness of the world around me, this time the connection was profound. I had a light bulb moment, and in that instant, I became vegetarian. Right then and there a little fire began to burn inside of me, an igniting of a passion that matched my love of animals. I felt increasingly confident about this journey that I now had the courage to undertake.

I then met Simon, the love of my life. He’s been by my side for 9 years now, and continues to balance my emotion-driven passion with his rationale and thirst for knowledge. Simon is passionate about our planet, and his love of the natural environment gradually taught me to broaden my circle of compassion to the people, the earth and all that it sustains. He is driven to make sustainable and healthier food choices accessible to every member of society. As a natural progression in our own particular journey together, vegetarian to vegan happened slowly with love, self-compassion, some often very confronting realisations and an open-minded attitude. Not surprisingly, cheese was the last thing to go.

As happens often when values align and passions are ignited, an idea was born. We eagerly combined our thoughts into one colossal vision in 2018 and began to establish our plant based cheesy enterprise to spread the good to each and every one of you.