I’m creating outdoor clothing and equipment in a home studio in Eldorado, Australia. My products use natural materials like hemp, cotton, silk, wool, leather, fur, beeswax, gum turpentine and linseed oil and avoid plastics, toxic chemicals, harmful dyes, and industrial processes. I’m revisiting old materials and methods and using them in new ways to create long lasting high quality products.
To start with, I’m looking back in time and across cultures for materials and designs that could have new meaning and value today. What did clothing and baggage look like before sewing machines? Might such designs offer efficiencies and conservation today? What are the inherent properties of natural fibres and materials? When used in modern designs could we discover new value in those old materials? What if our designs and business practices were open source – would we help to create a more convivial and responsive society ?

Peak Oil Company