Shut Up & Relax Ceramics

“I don’t have time for this” was my first thought when diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014.
Post breast cancer treatment, I had to figure out exactly what I did have time for. It certainly wasn’t my previous career. My brain seemed to have rewired itself and sought more creative pursuits instead.

So, Shut Up & Relax Ceramics began, in Brisbane, Australia.

I’m Tracy Murray, the maker and designer of Shut up & Relax Ceramics. I’m a hand building ceramicist, interested in making and developing functional ware whilst working in the under croft of our tiny Queenslander, in Brisbane (Meanjin), Australia. What I love is working with clay and guiding others in workshops. I think workshops are the best way to share my passion for making with clay and to show people that everyone has artistic ability. You just need to make the time to create. Along with my husband Wayne, we like to share our passion for making with clay in small intimate classes, making simple things, beautifully.

I also have an online shop, featuring my functional ware including items for use in every day life, vases, dinnerware etc. I hope you enjoy looking at what I’ve created.


