The Fermentier

A number of years ago I noticed an increasing amount of research supporting the benefits of fermented food and drinks. This research evidenced the importance of assisting the gut to maintain a high level of beneficial bacteria. Around the same time I noticed a high rate of diabetes and obesity in Australians.

Alarmed, I set about exploring how food and drinks can help alleviate the many negative health impacts of chronic disease. I found that living food and beverages were not popular in the Australian diet unlike other nations who for centuries, have been incorporating and reaping the benefits of fermented foods and drinks.

So in 2017 I created my raw sauerkrauts and fermented non-alcoholic beverages. Thrilled with the response from friends and family, The Fermentier was born. The team has since grown to include and Andrew at the helm with me.

Tania’s desire to help to improve Australians health and nutrition was at the core of her dream to create ‘The Fermentier’.
It’s no secret that many Australian’s struggle to maintain a healthy diet. The Fermentier’s mission is to overcome this challenge with delicious natural living fermented food and drinks.

All natural ingredients, traditional fermentation methods and live cultures underpin The Fermentier’s delicious produce.
Your tastebuds will be invigorated by the flavours and your gut will be delighted by the abundance of beneficial bacteria. Made in small batches, each one is monitored closely to maintain quality and consistency.

Our fantastic fermented drinks for gut health have no artificial sweeteners and are made with 100% live cultures to produce living beneficial microbes, organic acids polyphenols, antioxidants and active enzymes. Finding a low sugar bevvy has never been more rewarding.

At The Fermentier, we only employ traditional brewing methods and cultures to create invigorating elixirs that give gut goodness. We choose certified Organic Fair Trade tea from a local Sunshine Coast tea business and this forms the base of our fermented drinks. To naturally flavour each brew we source local farm fresh ingredients.
Nourish your gut and quench your thirst with one of our tongue tingling, flavoursome fermented non-alcoholic beverages.