Topology Design

TOPOLOGY from the Greek TOPOS ‘place’ refers to the study of space and the interconnections of place. The Topology Design theme brings aesthetic qualities of our wild environments into our interior spaces through an exciting range of products.
TOPOLOGY PRODUCTS – 10% of Profits made by Topology Design is donated to Environmental Projects.

Endangered Species Tea Towels
High quality tea towels hand silk screen printed in Australia. The tea towel range has been designed to highlight the plight of Tasmania’s ENDANGERED species including the Swift Parrot, Spotted Handfish, Forty Spotted Pardalote, Masked Owl, Tasmanian Devil, Eastern Curlew, and the near threatened Royal Penguin (Macquarie Island) and the vulnerable Wandering Albatross. The tea towel range also includes the EXTINCT Tasmanian Tiger!

Pen & Ink Iconic Landscape drawings
Five unique pen and ink artworks printed onto aluminum.

The pen and ink drawings of Tasmania’s ENDANGERED species adorn high quality cushions hand silk screen printed in Australia.