
“My work is inspired by my love of nature and the connection to the land, by a sense of place and a sense of just being. I love the exploration of my heritage and a sense of belonging.”

Expressing a love of the natural world, Tali Cohen Flantz work is an endless exploration of texture, colour and form. Tali’s everyday Keramika ceramic range is created for people who love to share food and quality time with their family and friends. Unique artisan tableware that honours the rituals of life by surrounding you with objects of beauty and meaning that carry the slow living energy of handmade. Sculptural pieces and installation clay works that celebrate nature, travel, family and a love for life. Each lovingly crafted piece will connect you to the environment, precious moments and a sense of place.

Tali shares her devotion to creating space for creativity, community and connection through her workshops for adults. Coupling her warmth and nurturing nature with 20 years training and experience in ceramics and fine art, students are invited to give themselves permission to explore, create and play in the clay.


