Ohana Winery

In the cold, wintery July of 2014, two crazy kids (Josh and Zoe) went on a holiday to Hawaii where they fell in love with the weather and tropical lifestyle. Arriving back in Perth a month later, a little seed was planted…”Perhaps there is something more to life than working behind a desk…?” they thought.
After looking online, they saw a property for sale in Childers, Queensland. “I wonder what’s wrong with it!?” they laughed. “Let’s go check it out”. Two days later, their plane tickets were booked and they were on their way.
They fell in love. Sure, it was a little rough around the edges, but with a bit of TLC this little winery and orchard could be turned into something amazing, so they put in an offer and it was accepted. These two crazy kids were now winery owners!
They decided to rename the winery “Ohana Winery”. Ohana is the Hawaiian word for ‘friends and family’ – a fitting tribute to the friends and family that helped make their dream come true.
A few years after that, Cheeky Tiki Cider was born. Now, as an award-winning wine maker, Josh turned his hand to cidermaking. Following the same principles of making a high-quality fruit wine, Josh devotes his time and care to crafting his small-batch ciders. The leap into cider-making has been a fun one for Josh and Zoe. It has given them the opportunity to stretch their creativity and talent to a new industry, and has opened up a whole new customer base.